The Museum Van Loon in Amsterdam recently finished an exhibit of 18th-century family portraits. I’m posting a poster from that exhibit, plus 5 portraits of Doopsgezind families who lived in Amsterdam and Haarlem. The artworks are from the collections of the Rijksmuseum Amsterdam and the Amsterdam Museum. I plan eventually to add more details about these portraits and families; my goal is to place the expanded form of this post in the exhibits portion of this website. For now, click on an image to view it in more detail and to find links for more information.
- Poster from the Museum Van Loon
- The Leeuw-Hooft family, 1671
- The de Flines-Block family, ca. 1694
- The Neufville family, 1696
- The Brak family, 1752
- The Overbeek family, 1784
For more details, click on the pictures.