December 29, 1625: Birth of Thieleman J. van Braght

On December 29, 1625, Thieleman Jansz van Braght (Bracht) was born in Dordrecht, the Dutch Republic.

He is most famous for his editorial work on The Martyrs Mirror (Martelaars Spiegel). His original edition was published by …. in 1660. The most famous version of The Martyrs Mirror appeared in 1685, about two decades after van Braght’s death in 1664. The second edition is famous for its 100+ engravings by Jan Luyken.

He played a central role in the “War of the Lambs” (Lammerenkrijgh) among mid-seventeenth-century Dutch Mennonites.

— Last updated: 30 Dec. 2024 —


Thieleman J. van Braght (source: Kornelis de Wit’s Verzaameling van Afbeeldingen van Doopsgezinde Leeraaren, 1743)

Bibliography (under construction)

Martyrs Mirror, 1685 (