Exhibits featuring archival and library documents are in the works. The current plan is to present these in a separate section of the website powered by Omeka. In the meantime, here is a preview of some of the content that I plan to present. The images below are from the Library and Archive of the United Mennonite Congregation (Vereenigde Doopsgezinde Gemeente [VDGH]) in Haarlem, The Netherlands. They highlight a few of the 16th-century works in the collection.
Note (8 April 2015): I have updated the gallery to focus on several anti-Anabaptist texts from the VDGH collections. I have organized these chronologically. This selection is only a small sample of the anti-Anabaptist sources in the VDGH collections, and there are of course many, many more to be found from the 16th, 17th, and 18th centuries. The genre was quite popular in the early modern era.
If you would like to learn more about these images before the online exhibits are available, you can read about them and the library in Gerard Jaspers and Wouter Meeder, “Van Zürich tot Emden: De zestiende eeuw in de bibliotheek van de Vereenigde Doopsgezinde Gemeente Haarlem,” Doopsgezinde Bijdragen 39 (2013), pp. 107-161. The captions include reference numbers from this article. J.P. Jacobszoon was a private collector who owned these books before they arrived in the VDGH library.
- J.P Jacobszoon
- Andreas Osiander, 1528 (Jaspers & Meeder #24)
- Newe Zeittung, 1535 (Jaspers & Meeder #23)
- Wolfgang Kyriander, 1541 (Jaspers & Meeder, #19)
- Martinus Duncanus, 1549 (Jaspers & Meeder #12)
- Joannes Bunderius, 1549 (Jaspers & Meeder, #2)
- Marten Micron, 1564 (Jaspers & Meeder, #22)
- Andreas Hondorff, 1586 (Jaspers & Meeder, #18)
- The Arch-Heretic David Joris, 1596 (Jaspers & Meeder, #11)
Many thanks to Mechteld Gravendeel and Wouter Meeder from the VDGH for their help with my research in Haarlem, and for sharing these and other scanned images!