Biographical Sketches of Mennonite and Collegiant Revolutionaries in the Netherlands, 1780-1815

I’m planning more posts about the following politically significant figures, about whom little is known in the non-Dutch-reading world. For now, the links to Dutch and English sources (Biografisch Portaal van Nederland and the Global Anabaptist-Mennonite Encyclopedia Online, plus a few others when appropriate) will serve as a start.

Images of François Adriaan van der Kemp, Adriaan Loosjes Pietersz, and Agatha Deken (Source: see details at the end of this blog entry)

Political activists before, during and immediately after the Patriot era of the 1780s:

Members of the Batavian Republic’s national legislatures, many of whom were also revolutionaries in the Patriot Movement of the 1780s:

19th-century figures who played a significant role in shaping the memory of Mennonite involvement in democratic revolutionary organizing:


I am aware that this post does not include much information about German democratic activists from Mennonite backgrounds. This might be the subject of another blog post.



For more on this subject, see…

Nanne van der Zijpp’s very short article in the GAMEO ( plus my articles archived on, such as…

In Mennonites, Politics, and Peoplehood ( James Urry provides an excellent overview in English of the Dutch Patriot era, with special attention to the role of Mennonites.

Also see several essays about religion and politics in the 1780s and after by these important scholars…

Images of François Adriaan van der Kemp, Adriaan Loosjes Pietersz, Agatha Deken, Samuel Muller, and Jacob Gijsbert de Hoop Scheffer (Source: Gedoopt: Vijf Eeuwen Doopsgezinden in Nederland [ca. 2010], text by Klaas van der Hoek, Adriaan Plak, Piet Visser, and Anna Voolstra; the collection consists of over 40 loose-leaf portraits with text on the reverse side)